

The action of Choose Life Generation differs from that of other actors by respecting the fundamental values ​​which are as follows:

  1. Respect for life and human dignity

Human life is sacred and any attack on it is reprehensible, reprehensible and liable to social punishment. Giving man the best possible conditions of existence, respecting his dignity and his rights are obvious signs and values ​​to be preserved. For this, Choose Life Generation will do everything to highlight respect for life and will support all initiatives relating to the protection of vulnerable populations, by denouncing injustices and various abuses.

committed against them. It will take a stand in favor of the marginalized, the excluded, the condemned, the victims of various abuses.

  1. Love of country

Cameroon is for all Cameroonians a treasure to be protected and defended with jealousy and fanaticism. Indeed, Choose Life Generation will therefore support all initiatives aimed at promoting love of the country.


Solidarity is therefore not a feeling of vague compassion or superficial tenderness for the precariousness in which populations live. On the contrary, it is the firm and persevering determination to work for the common good; that is to say for the good of each and everyone because we are truly responsible for all”. Choose Life Generation will encourage solidarity open to self-care and banish all forms of negative solidarity (parasitism, nepotism, eternal assistantship, etc.). The current vision of solidarity will be based on the assistance of the truly destitute, the self-promotion of man through the transfer of skills and the exchange of experiences.

  1. Cultivation

It is now recognized that culture plays an indispensable role in the struggle of men and women for their total liberation and for the construction of a society capable of meeting the challenges of our time. Choose Life Generation will attach particular importance to its defense and development to their culture, in order to bring the people it wants to serve to achieve their full potential. It will also take into account cultural and ethnic specificities by considering them as an asset.

  1. Labor

Choose Life Generation will strive to value work in the most humane and dignified conditions possible and to promote the love of a job well done in all its forms.

Article 8: Guiding principles

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